Stories Make the Holidays Holy
Stories make the holidays holy. They infuse indelible magic into what would otherwise be ordinary days. Without the stories that underpin our most cherished seasons, we would simply carry on as usual.
Origin stories establish the meaning behind our holidays all year round, but for many of us, the stories we innately associate with wintertime are the most resonant. We tell those stories at the fireside. By the Christmas tree. Around the table with the people we love most.
Holiday lore reaches back into our ancient history, connecting our oldest and most sacred stories to the present day. Those origin stories sowed the seeds of future tales, evolving through the centuries and yielding the emotions and aesthetics we associate with the holidays today. Separate the sights, sounds, smells, and tastes of Christmas from the many stories that forged it, and you strip those trappings of their meaning.
Human souls are insatiably hungry for stories. Crafting, telling, believing, and remembering stories is how we connect with ourselves, one another, and the world around us. Stories help us make sense of our feelings and experiences. They inspire the dreamer, comfort the heartbroken, and add nuance to the mundane.
Stories compel us to decorate the tree, hang our stockings, and get cozy with a mug of hot cocoa on Christmas Eve. Thousands of stories shape this time of year, and your unique journey through life influences which of those stories resonate most with you. Culture, religion, and life experience all merge to pave the road ahead.
Your lived experience is a story in itself, and it’s dictated by not only the stories of your past, but of those who have gone before you. As we reflect during this time of year, think about the unique set of stories that influences this season. Are there stories that bring a sense of nostalgia and wonder—stories that define this season for you above all others? I’m sure we share common threads, like favorite movies or annual traditions. But then our paths will inevitably diverge because our life experiences are ultimately different.
In the marketing world, there’s seemingly no end to the discussion around story and its importance to the work we do, but that’s because stories are foundational and non-negotiable. I’ve often struggled with how much I should emphasize “story” when speaking of my own work, but how can I not? Everyone is talking about stories because stories are everything.
Holiness, sacredness, and poignancy are a direct result of storytelling. Holidays are easy to speak and write about because everyone can think of at least one story to tell, or find something they relate to deeply. But when it comes to defining and telling our own stories, or those of our businesses, we suddenly can’t find anything to say!
This holiday season, as you’re celebrating and looking forward to fresh opportunities in the New Year, I want you to know that you have a story waiting to be told. It could be your life story, a book you’ve been aching to write, or even the story of your brand. And there are people waiting to hear that story, to be inspired by it, and to potentially be forever transformed as a result.